Explore Upcoming Events and Curriculum for Grades K-12

Upcoming Events:

February 6th, 2024

Tracking Notes: Moutain Lion Tracking at MPG Ranch

Join us on February 6th for a Live, interactive Event with mountain lion Researcher Joshua Lisbon!

Live on Zoom
Grades K-12 Tuesday, February 6th, 9 am-3 pm.  

“What is it like to track mountain lions? What skills are required? Have you ever seen a mountain lion?”
Students will be able to learn about mountain lion research and tracking from real-world mountain lion trackers! Last season, the tracking team found a natal den! Where are the kittens now? Are they still on the ranch? Trackers will answer student questions and provide an update on the family groups at MPG Ranch. Each session will last for about 45 minutes. If necessary, students will be placed into breakout rooms for age-appropriate Q&A! 

Tuesday, February 6th, All times are Mountain Time Zone

Session 1: 9:00- 10:00 am
Session 2: 10:15- 11:15 am
Session 3: 12:45-1:45 pm
Session 4: 2:00-3:00 pm

You can watch the live stream below if you cannot participate live and interact.

To prepare for the live event share the short film (7 min), Tracking Ghosts, with your students. Additionally, curriculum developed by MPG Ranch and Inspired Classroom around this study is available for free, below.

Learning Experiences:

Standards-based Mountain Lion Learning Experiences for Grades K-12 sponsored by the MPG Ranch.


 Inspired Classroom is dedicated to supporting teachers, caregivers, and parents with scenario-driven distance learning experiences FREE OF CHARGE thanks to the sponsorship of our amazing partner mentor organizations. Watch this short video to see how an IC Challenge on the MentorIC platform delivers deep learning to your students.

All of our learning experiences are supported by educators. Do you need help getting started or have a question?


The Mountain Lion Challenge is sponsored by our mentor partners MPG Ranch, a phenomenal biological research station dedicated to educational outreach.  This IC Challenge projects uses real-time data, video, and field notes gathered by mountain lion trackers over the past several years. Check out the video, Tracking Ghosts, about the study here!

Students learn about the characteristics, habitat, food sources, and family groups of mountain lions on MPG in their research journey. They use the information to write a scientific mystery from the mountain lion’s point of view, explaining how the mother mountain lion and her young family survive. The mystery story will help explain this synthesizes this important science in an engaging project for all learners.

Already have an icchallenge.org account? Use Join Code: NK9P5KS6

Middle School MPG Mountain Lion Challenge

The Mountain Lion Challenge is sponsored by our mentor partners MPG Ranch, a phenomenal biological research station dedicated to educational outreach. This IC Challenge projects uses real time data, video, and field notes gathered by mountain lion trackers over the past several years. Check out the video, Tracking Ghosts, about the study here!

MPG Ranch is very excited about getting the word out in a positive manner about the scientific discoveries on the ranch. They are asking for YOUR students’ help! Explore predator/prey relationships by examining predator interactions, mutually beneficial reactions, and competitive interactions. Students will conduct experiments with revolutionary matrix tool to analyze the impact on biodiversity.

Already have an icchallenge.org account? Use Join Code: UIZ2PMHZ

High School MPG Ranch Mountain Lion Challenge: Trophic Cascade and Biodiversity with live visits with researchers.

High School Mountain Lion Challenge

After analyzing the data from MPG Ranch students will, examine restoration maps, explore mountain lion information from studies to build an understanding of wildlife management issues on a diverse landscape. They will select investigative action planning steps and create a Phase I management plan using the ABT framework for scientific communication.

Involve your students in this on-going study. Check out more information here!

Already have an icchallenge.org account? Use Join Code: HZNZAT52

Learn more about the new Matrix Ecosystem Modeling Tool HERE. Use the Matrix in a real-world case study of the MPG Ranch longitudinal research project on Mountain Lion populations and behaviors. This case study is housed on the MentorIC platform and has teaching resources and step-by-step instructions for students. Recommended for Middle and High School Students.


If you already have an account at icchallenge.org Use Join Code: QVYMJ25J

Check out the Matrix here!